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Matts MadVentures

Well.Come to my new h(Om)e..
Well sort of, i haven't moved house, hey its just an on.line me..
so dont ya worry coz my online me is still me.. can you see(?)
You might say I'm getting lazier.. or you could say I'm getting smarter,
Watch it - could even be one of those internizzle $cam$ or fake barter$!
I figure I can throw pretty much all the same photo's and around,
It could even leave me with more time...for more - it's totally sound!
Whats that?.. "Whoa back horsey!.. slow down.. next thing you'll be on that FaceCrack!!"
Yeah, nah... this is invite only cuzzie, for Family & Friends .. So ya got my back!?
Love ya's all..ways
Matty T.
DIS.CLAIMER : the names (may) have been changed in MattsMadventures to protect the innocent!
*Feel free to contact me for Ambergris Sales or Brokering...
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